Dragon Ball: Origins 2 is an action-adventure game for the Nintendo DS that follows Goku as he faces off against the Red Ribbon Army. The game spans the saga from Goku's first encounters with the army to the revival of Upa's father. Players can choose various characters and engage in cooperative multiplayer challenges. The Japanese version includes the classic Famicom game Dragon Ball.
In Dragon Ball: Origins 2, players battle through the Red Ribbon Army saga covering Goku’s first encounters with the nefarious Red Ribbon Army up to the resurrection of Upa’s father, a member of the native tribe who serve as the guardians of the mystical Korin Tower. The new action-adventure game includes an array of features including the ability to play as different characters along the way and the option to team up with a friend for co-op multiplayer challenges.
Extra game included within:
+ Dragon Ball (Famicom) [only available within the JP version]