DS Dengeki Bunko: Inukami! feat. Animation is a visual novel for the Nintendo DS based on the anime series of the same name. Players follow the story of Keita Kawahira, a young tamer from a long line of Inukami tamers. Together with his powerful but unruly companion Youko, Keita navigates a comedic world where he must tame canine-featured demons to protect humanity.
Based off of the anime series of the same name, Inukami! is a visual novel with story, artwork, and voice acting to match the slapstick romantic comedy about a boy named Keita and his mischievous companion. In a world where demons with canine features known as Inukami exist, the Inukami tamers must rise up to tame them so that the Inukami shall protect humans with their power. Keita Kawahira, born from a long line of tamers, has only ever successfully managed to partner up with Youko, an uncontrollable yet powerful Inukami.