Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates is a prequel to the original Crystal Chronicles, developed for the Nintendo DS. The story follows fraternal twins Yuri and Chelinka, whose peaceful life is disrupted by an ancient evil. As they embark on a journey to find allies, seek vengeance, and restore their world, they confront challenges that test their bond and resolve.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates is a prequel to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the Nintendo DS.
Yuri and Chelinka are fraternal twins who live happily with their father in a small village, but their happiness comes to an abrupt end when an ancient evil force arrives. Now, with his family shattered, Yuri begins to train so that he can be strong enough to fight when the evil returns. Yuri and Chelinka set out on their quest to find their friends, avenge their family, and heal their world.