Flaaklypa Grand Prix is a Nintendo DS adventure game based on the beloved Norwegian animation franchise. Players engage in various activities such as repairing bicycles, completing jigsaw puzzles, and catching butterflies. The main objective is to collect and assemble car parts to construct Il Tempo Gigante, leading to a thrilling car race. The game has received notable acclaim, including the EMMA Award for Entertainment.
Pinchcliffe Grand Prix - The PC Game is the biggest game success in Norway of all time. It features activities and animations for hours and hours of entertainment for all the family.
Gamers get to repair bicycles, do jigsaws, feed birds, ride Sonny's trike, paint, catch butterflies and sort socks! Along the way, they find or win car parts enabling them to build Il Tempo Gigante, no less - and take part in the car race itself.
The game has won the EMMA Award in the Entertainment Category.