Inazuma Eleven 2: Firestorm is a role-playing sports game released for the Nintendo DS. Following the events of its predecessor, players control Mark Evans, a teenage goalkeeper and captain of the Raimon Eleven. After winning a football tournament, the team faces an alien threat and must recruit players across Japan to confront the aliens in a decisive match to save the world.
Inazuma Eleven 2 is the next iteration in the Inazuma Eleven series, which debuted on Nintendo DS in 2009.
The game follows the journey of teenage goalkeeper and team captain Mark Evans, and carries directly on from the ending of the first game Inazuma Eleven. After winning the football tournament at the end of the previous game, the school is suddenly attacked by mysterious aliens! Mark and the rest of his team, the Raimon Eleven, must now travel all around Japan to find the strongest football players in order to defeat the aliens in a football match before they destroy the world.