Kirby: Squeak Squad is a platforming video game developed by HAL Laboratory, Flagship, and Natsume, and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS. Released between 2006 and 2007, the game features traditional platforming mechanics using the DS face buttons. Players control Kirby as he embarks on a quest to recover stolen treats from the Squeaks, a group of mouse-like thieves.
Kirby: Squeak Squad, known in Europe as Kirby: Mouse Attack and in Japan as Kirby of the Stars: Calling on the Dorotche Gang (Japanese: 星のカービィ 参上! ドロッチェ団 Hepburn: Hoshi no Kābī Sanjō! Dorocche Dan?), is a 2006-07 platforming video game developed by HAL Laboratory, Flagship and Natsume (the latter as seen in the end credits) and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. Unlike the previous Nintendo DS title, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Squeak Squad is a traditional platformer which uses the face buttons instead of the touch screen to control Kirby.