Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy is a puzzle video game developed by Namco Bandai for the Nintendo DSi, released via the DSiWare digital platform. As a spin-off of the Katamari series, it diverges significantly from its predecessors, featuring gameplay mechanics reminiscent of Tetris and drawing inspiration from Pac-Attack, another puzzle title by Namco. The game involves strategic placement of falling blocks to clear lines.
Korogashi Puzzle Katamari Damacy (ころがしパズル塊魂, Korogashi Pazuru Katamari Damashii?) is a falling block puzzle video game released by Namco Bandai for the Nintendo DSi's DSiWare digital download service for 500 points (5 dollars). It is a spin-off of the Katamari series. However, it bears little resemblance to the series, resembling Tetris more so. It uses the gameplay engine and concept of Pac-Attack, another puzzle game created by Namco.