Last Window: The Secret of Cape West is an adventure video game created by Cing and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS. Released in 2010, it serves as a sequel to Hotel Dusk: Room 215, featuring protagonist Kyle Hyde a year after the original game. Set in 1980 Los Angeles, the narrative connects to its predecessor while maintaining a distinct storyline. It is notable as Cing's final title before the company's closure.
Last Window: The Secret of Cape West is an adventure video game developed by the now-defunct Cing and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It is the sequel to Hotel Dusk: Room 215, starring protagonist Kyle Hyde and placed one year after the events of its predecessor. The game has visual and audio styles similar to that of the first game. In Last Window, Kyle Hyde is living in the Cape West Apartments, Los Angeles, in 1980. The story of this sequel is separate from the first game, even though it includes some connections to it. Last Window was the last game developed by Cing before the company filed for bankruptcy on March 1, 2010.