Mega Man Star Force: Leo is a Nintendo DS action role-playing game featuring Subaru Hoshikawa as the protagonist. Equipped with visualizer goggles from his father, Subaru encounters Warlock, an alien entity. Together, they must combat hostile creatures from Warlock's world by transforming into Mega Man. The Leo version showcases Fire Leo, who wields the powerful Flame Burner attack to defeat foes.
Mega Man Star Force introduces a new lead character, a boy named Subaru Hoshikawa, who puts on special `visualizer` goggles left to him by his father, triggering a specific wave and summoning the presence of a mysterious alien life form named Warlock. Dangerous creatures from Warlock's planet have come to attack Earth, so they must join together to transform into Mega Man in order to defeat these menacing forces. Specific to the Leo version - turning up the heat, Fire Leo uses a special Flame Burner attack that can incinerate enemies in its path.