Metal Saga: Hagane no Kisetsu is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game developed by Crea-Tech and released by Success for the Nintendo DS in 2006. As the fifth installment in the Metal Max series, it features full touch screen controls and introduces mechanics such as multiple characters operating a single tank and a durability system for tank upkeep. The game was not released in North America, and a mobile sequel followed in 2007.
Metal Saga: Hagane no Kisetsu (Japanese: メタルサーガ ~鋼の季節~, literally Metal Saga: Season of Steel) is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed by Crea-Tech and published by Success in 2006. It running in Nintendo DS and it is a full touch screen controlled game.
Metal Saga: Hagane no Kisetsu is the fifth game of Metal Max series. Unlike its predecessor Metal Saga, the game wasn't released in North America. And in 2007, a sequel was released on mobile phone as an incarnation of Metal Saga and was released in Japan in 2007.
This entry is very different with original games. For example, multiple characters sit in only a tank instead of one person sit in one, and using `durability` instead of tank's armor.