Project Rub is an action-adventure game developed by Sega for the Nintendo DS, also known as Feel the Magic XY/XX. Players control a protagonist who seeks to win the affection of a woman through a variety of quirky challenges featuring outrageous scenarios. Utilizing the DS's stylus, microphone, and touch screen, players engage in unique mini-games that test their skills and creativity.
Sega makes its debut on the Nintendo DS with Feel the Magic: XY/XX, a stylized adventure rife with wild events. The story follows a man who uses a suave gang of dramatic performers to gain the attention of a beautiful woman. To help him impress the girl, you must guide him through a series of madcap performances, such as defending against raging bulls and blowing out giant candles. The game supports the unique features of the DS, which let you control the main character with a stylus, your voice, and even your breath.