Qupu Mame Goma is the third installment in the Mamegoma series for the Nintendo DS, featuring the care and raising of hand-sized seals known as Mamegoma. Players can nurture two Mamegoma simultaneously, engaging with them through petting, tickling, and stylus interactions. The game introduces 40 new Mamegoma types and offers various items, including food and 180 customizable cosplay outfits. Mamegoma can also recall and hum melodies played to them.
The 3rd installment of the `Mamegoma` series, in which you raise seals and Mamegoma that are small enough to fit in your hand, is now available! There are 40 new types of Mamegoma in total! Two Mamegoma can be raised together, and you can pet them, tickle them, and touch them with a stylus. Items such as rice and interior items are also available, and there are 180 cosplay items that can be worn by Mamegoma. Also, when you play music to Mamegoma, they will remember the song and hum with a cute cry.