Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is a Nintendo DS remake of the original Resident Evil, released to celebrate the franchise's tenth anniversary. It utilizes the dual screens and touch controls to enhance gameplay, featuring a map on the second screen for navigation. Players can use the touch screen for lock interactions and a first-person mode to combat enemies. The game supports wireless LAN for multiplayer with two distinct modes for up to four players.
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is an enhanced version of the original Resident Evil for the Nintendo DS. It was made to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the series. The key difference with the original game is the use of the dual screen and touch sensitive formats, among many gameplay additions. A primary map is displayed on the second screen, providing extra help in finding the important areas of the mansion. The lower touch screen can be used to open locks or, in a special 1st person perspective addition, fight off various versions of the evil dead. The game also includes wireless LAN support for up to four players with two different multiplayer game modes.