Spectral Force: Genesis is a strategy role-playing game for the Nintendo DS, marking the series' debut on the platform. Set in the fantasy realm of Neverland, players engage in a complex narrative where humans and demons battle for dominance across 40 nations. Players command a country and navigate a blend of strategy and diplomacy to unify the kingdom while encountering over 150 unique characters and making impactful decisions that shape the story.
Spectral Force makes its first appearance on the Nintendo DS featuring over 150 characters, a high level of strategic gameplay and a truly epic story. It's quite simply the perfect introduction to the Spectral Force series and the fantasy world of Neverland. Spectral Force is based in the fantasy world of Neverland where humans and demons struggle for supremacy against each other over 40 countries. Each new game in the series adds another page to the history giving it a depth and complexity almost unrivalled within the RPG genre. In Spectral Force Genesis, the player will be able to take command of a country and using a mix of strategy, diplomacy and force, attempt to bring the whole kingdom under unified rule. You will meet a lot of different characters along the way and as events gradually unfold the player will make decisions which will trigger a whole host of surprising events and scenarios.