Super Control Mecha MG, also known as Chou Soujuu Mecha MG, is a mecha action game for the Nintendo DS, released in 2006. Developed by Sandlot, creators of the Earth Defense Force series, and published by Nintendo, the game is known for its innovative gameplay, combining traditional D-Pad movement with unique touch screen controls for each of the 100+ playable mecha cockpits. The title received recognition in the Super Smash Bros. series.
Chou Soujuu Mecha MG is a 2006 Nintendo DS mecha action game developed by Sandlot, the studio behind the Earth Defense Force series, and published by Nintendo. It combines the developer's aptitude for larger-than-life spectacle with one of the most innovative and fun uses of the touch screen in the DS library: in addition to standard movement with the D-Pad, each of the game's 100+ playable mecha has its own unique "cockpit" controlled with the touch screen.
The game was mentioned in the Super Smash Bros. series, under the officially romanized title of Chosoju Mecha MG.