Tales of the Tempest is a role-playing game developed by Namco Bandai for the Nintendo DS, marking the first entry in the Tales series on this platform. The narrative follows Caius, a young boy who possesses the ability to harness a beast within him while searching for his biological parents. The game features a 3D battle system that allows players to switch between three lanes and utilizes the Touch Screen for unique special attacks. A notable gameplay element includes character transformations into werewolves, enhancing their strength and speed while limiting their techniques.
Tales of the Tempest, the first Tales title for the DS concerns Caius, a boy with the ability to unleash the beast inside him, and his quest to find his true parents. The game is presented in 3D and uses a battle system similar to Tales of Rebirth. Enemies and allies are all on 3 lines, with the player switching between them at will. The Touch Screen may be used for special attacks never before seen in the Tales series, allowing lots more variety in battle. The big feature of this game is the ability for certain characters to transform into werewolves, gaining extra power and speed at the cost of techniques.