Yoshi's Island DS is a 2D platformer developed for the Nintendo DS, serving as a sequel to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. In this installment, Kamek and the Toadies kidnap babies to find the star children, who hold powerful stars. The game utilizes the DS's dual screens for level design and introduces multiple baby characters, each with unique abilities necessary for progressing through levels.
Yoshi's Island DS is a 2D platformer for the Nintendo DS in the Yoshi's Island series. It is the sequel to Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, where Kamek and the Toadies have kidnapped all the babies in the world in search for the star children, a group of seven babies who possess powerful stars in their hearts. While the game is heavily derivative from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, including general gameplay, themes, and graphics, the game primarily differentiates itself from its predecessor by taking advantage of the Nintendo DS's dual screen to display levels while introducing multiple babies to carry on Yoshi's back, who all have special abilities that are required to complete levels.