ABC Wipeout: The Game is a video game adaptation of the popular television show, designed for the Nintendo Wii. Players navigate a series of challenging obstacle courses that test their speed, balance, and precision. Up to four players can compete simultaneously, employing tactics like throwing objects at opponents. The game features humorous commentary from show hosts and classic obstacles from the series.
Based on the hit ABC TV show, Wipeout: The Game challenges fans to master speed, balance, and precision to overcome the world's largest obstacle course while enduring the inevitable hilarious falls, sometimes at the hands of your friends and family!
In Wipeout: The Game, players will prove they have what it takes to make it to the grand finale `Wipeout Zone` for their chance to be proclaimed champion. Four players can compete at the same time, even allowing players to hurl objects at and taunt their opponents. The video game features everything that people love about the hit ABC show, including commentary from the show's hosts, John Anderson, John Henson and co-host Jill Wagner. Players will have to run, jump and dodge all of Wipeout's various obstacles, including the brutal Sucker Punch, the beloved Big Balls, and the insanely difficult Sweeper.