Adventure Island: The Beginning is a platforming game for the Nintendo Wii featuring Master Higgins, a hero known for his skateboard and grass skirt. Players explore diverse levels, acquiring Golden Melons to purchase items that enhance abilities and access new areas. Completing specific challenges unlocks a Master Higgins costume, adding to the engaging gameplay experience.
Master Higgins, the skateboard-riding, grass skirt-wearing hero, is back for more classic platforming action!
ADVENTURE ISLAND: The Beginning comes to the Wii console with exciting new skills and elements! Learn how to use new skills while exploring Adventure Island from coast to coast. Search for Golden Melons hidden throughout the stages and minigames. When obtaining Golden Melons, you'll be able to purchase various items to help you on your adventure. Items purchased will increase your attack power or enable you to reach places you couldn't get to before. Fulfill certain requirements while playing in any of the modes to achieve a Master Higgins Feat. You will be awarded a Master Higgins costume for doing so.