Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math: The Big Ben Burglary is an educational video game for the Nintendo Wii aimed at grades 4-5. Players embark on a global quest to stop Carmen Sandiego by solving math challenges, including arithmetic and logic puzzles. The game features a single-player Story Mode, a Practice Mode for skill enhancement, and a Multiplayer Mode for competitive play.
Carmen Sandiego is back and only you can foil her V.I.L.E plans. Travel the globe, solve brain-twisting math puzzles, and catch the villain behind the Big Ben Burglary. Crack the case of the Big Ben Burglary in single-player Story Mode. Perfect your math skills in single-player Practice Mode. Challenge your friends and family to solve math puzzles against the clock in Multiplayer Mode.
In Carmen Sandiego Adventures in Math: The Big Ben Burglary, you practice your math skills and use them to fight crime. Ideal for grades 4-5, math topics include arithmetic, logic puzzles, fractions and much more!