Discipline: Teikoku no Tanjyou is an adventure game for the Nintendo Wii set in a dystopian future where players interact with unusual inmates in a mysterious facility. Utilizing a unique device to fulfill the desires of these inmates, players navigate mental challenges while uncovering their past and the facility's hidden motives. Inmates reveal their thoughts and memories as players manage their psychological states, facing consequences for both failure and success.
An adventure game piece where you live together with strange inmates, becoming the subject to experiments conducted in the mysterious accommodation facility `Discipline` in the near future. The main character uses a mysterious device that speaks words to fill the desires of inmates and to `break the wall of the mind`. However, if you are watching over what you are using, or if the inmate can not stop wanting it abnormally, they will be subject to severe penalties. The inmates who `collapsed` gradually open their hearts to you, begin to talk about their thoughts and memories. While reading many unique and abnormal words, the true purpose hidden in `discipline`, and your lost past will become evident.