Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4 is a role-playing game for the Nintendo Wii that follows Chihiro Ashihara, a princess from the mystical Nakatsu Kuni. After her kingdom is invaded by the forces of Tokoyo no Kuni, she is transported to the modern world. Five years later, Chihiro's memories surface, compelling her to return and fight to save her realm from destruction.
In Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4, follows Chihiro Ashihara, one of two princesses of a kingdom locatrd in a land called Nakatsu Kuni within the parallel world. During her childhood, the kingdom was invaded by forces led by the king of Tokoyo no Kuni, a distant rival land connected to her kingdom. As Nakatsu Kuni is quickly overwhelmed, a divine power sends the protagonist through space-time to the modern world, protecting her from her kingdom's slaughter and ruin.
Five years have passed since the massacre and the protagonist has suppressed her memories of her true origins. She believes she has been raised in the modern world and enjoys her peaceful life as an average high school student. Yet a mysterious encounter she has after school soon forces her to remember her true past and birthright. Returning to her home world, the protagonist is determined to save her people and resurrect her dying kingdom.