Jeopardy! for Nintendo Wii is a video game adaptation of the classic television quiz show. Released in 2010, it features approximately 2400 new questions and allows up to three players to compete in full episodes, with AI contestants available for empty slots. The game faithfully replicates the show's format, including Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, and Final Jeopardy, alongside an authentic virtual set and player profile statistics.
The 2010 version of venerable TV game show Jeopardy! brings Alex Trebek and 2,400 new questions to Nintendo's two major platforms. Both versions allow up to three players to compete in a full episode of the show, with computer-controlled contestants optionally filling in any empty seats. Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, and Final Jeopardy sections of the show are all recreated, with an authentic virtual recreation of the set, and stat tracking for profiles (including questions successfully answered, lifetime winnings, and more).