Jinsei Game Wii EX is an enhanced adaptation of the classic board game The Game of Life for the Nintendo Wii. Set on a global map that begins in Japan, players navigate through various life events aimed at achieving ultimate success. The game features over 800 unique events, 14 party games, and 33 iconic worldwide locations. Players can customize avatars using Mii and engage in strategic gameplay influenced by new rules and challenges.
The classic board game, The Game of Life, has been upgraded in Jinsei Game Wii EX (人生ゲームWii EX)! This time, it became a worldwide map starting from Japan and aiming for the most successful person in the world. Compared to the previous work, the tempo has increased dramatically, and you can play without pouring water into a fun atmosphere. In addition to more than 800 events, 14 types of hands-on party games are also recorded. There are 8 types of maps that can be used on the moon!? Occupations that are important points in the game of life are available worldwide! Let's challenge more and more and become a World Meister, such as adopting new rules that make the choice of the player live in the way of working! There are 33 world famous places, and after getting it, get a toll every time someone passes by! If you can collect and cash souvenirs from around the world, which are collection items, a big turnaround is not a dream. With the advent of the new Ojama character, the thrill of the game has improved dramatically. There is also a function that allows you to use the caricature made with Mii as a play character, which was popular in the previous work.