Klonoa is a platform game for the Nintendo Wii that follows the titular character on a quest to rescue Phantomile, a dream world threatened by an unknown evil. Players navigate through a variety of challenging stages across different kingdoms, utilizing the Wind Bullet ability to manipulate enemies and overcome obstacles. Klonoa is guided by his companion Hewpoe, a spirit within his magical ring.
Help Klonoa save Phantomile, a land formed by the dreams of its inhabitants, and recently besieged by an unknown evil. Klonoa’s breathtaking journey takes him through a series of increasingly difficult stages across multiple kingdoms as he strives to save his friends and homeland. Throughout his quest, Klonoa is aided by his friend Hewpoe, a benevolent spirit who resides in the ring from which Klonoa is able to fire his Wind Bullet. The Wind Bullet gives Klonoa the ability to grab and inflate his enemies and use them to his advantage.