Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is a video game inspired by the animated film, released for the Nintendo Wii on November 4, 2008. Similar to its predecessor, the game features familiar characters and gameplay mechanics, set in an African environment. Players navigate various levels, including side-scrolling sections starring the penguins. A demo was made available through the Nintendo Channel during its launch week.
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is a video game based on the film of the same name. It was released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows, and Nintendo DS in November 4, 2008 in North America. The video game's gameplay is similar to the first movie's video game with the same characters and moves, although the environment is in Africa. The Nintendo Channel released a playable demo of this game on the week of November 7, which shows one of the side-scrolling, Lemmings-esque levels in which the penguins of the series are the main characters. It was supposed to be released on PSP but it was cancelled.