Monster Hunter G is an action role-playing game developed by Capcom, initially launched on PlayStation 2 in 2005 and later for Nintendo Wii in 2009. This expansion of the original Monster Hunter introduces additional quests, equipment, and an elevated G-rank quest tier. The Hunter Rank cap is raised from 20 to 30, incorporating enhanced gameplay features for a refined experience.
Monster Hunter G is a Japan-exclusive expansion of Monster Hunter for PlayStation 2. It featured more Quests, equipment, and recolors of the original monsters, as well as a brand new tier of `G-class` or `G-rank` Quests. The Hunter Rank cap was increased from HR20 to HR30, and many quality of life features were added to this version.
Monster Hunter G was originally released on PlayStation 2 in 2005 but rereleased on the Nintendo Wii in 2009. The Wii version features many gameplay changes that made it more akin to the preceding Monster Hunter game, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.