ObsCure: The Aftermath is a survival horror game developed for the Nintendo Wii. Set two years after the events of the first game, the story follows a group of college students at Fallcreek University as they confront a terrifying new threat linked to mysterious flowers that induce bizarre dreams. As they unravel the dark secrets behind these flowers, their gruesome nightmares manifest into reality.
Two years ago, a group of young teenagers found themselves trapped inside their school. They suffered through the longest night of their lives, chased by abominable creatures created by their principal. Some of them survived that terrible night, while others perished. Now, the survivors have picked up the pieces of their lives and gone to college.
But all is not right at Fallcreek University: strange flowers suddenly appear everywhere on the campus, flowers that contain a dangerous substance that induces strange but vivid dreams. A handful of students learn that the flowers are far more dangerous than they seem. When the seeds finally sprout, nightmare suddenly turns into horrifying reality...