One Piece: Unlimited Adventure is an action-adventure game developed for the Nintendo Wii, based on the popular anime series One Piece. Players explore a vibrant, uncharted island while controlling iconic characters from the series. The game features a unique storyline created specifically for it, allowing fans to engage in combat, discover treasures, and experience an immersive adventure in the One Piece universe.
Gather in Grand Line and Set Sail for the Adventure of Your Lifetime! Celebrating the successful launch of the new TV episodes on Cartoon Network, the best and latest game based on the rich world of One Piece arrives on Wii to finally do justice for the eagerly waiting fans of the animated TV show and all fans of Action Adventure! In One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, the fans of One Piece can finally assume the roles of their beloved characters proportionally created right out of the TV show as they enjoy the original story line exclusively created for the game! Shake and swing your Wii controller to seamlessly explore and conquer the vast, undiscovered island full of beautiful vistas, treasures, heroes, villains and adventures!