Puyo Puyo 7 is the seventh installment in the Puyo Puyo franchise for the Nintendo Wii. Marking a departure from the Fever series, it is set in a setting reminiscent of the real world rather than Primp Town. The game introduces a new default mode called Transformation, adds five new characters, and reintroduces several familiar faces as playable characters or cameos.
This is the 7th game in the main Puyo Puyo series, which is denoted by the 7. A break from the previous Fever series games, the game is set in a world similar to the real world instead of Primp Town. In this game, a new game mode known as Transformation was added as the default mode. Five new characters were introduced, and a few characters from past games in the series were reintroduced, either as playable characters or cameos.