Red Steel 2 is a first-person shooter developed for the Nintendo Wii and serves as a sequel to the original Red Steel. The game follows an unnamed protagonist, the final descendant of the Kusagari Clan, who escapes capture by the Jackals, a criminal organization led by Payne. After rescuing his mentor Jian, the Hero gains access to a katana to reclaim his lost weapon and confront the gang.
The game begins as an unnamed Hero, the last member of the Kusagari Clan, is being dragged across the desert, tied to the back of a motorcycle. He manages to break free, but Payne, the leader of the Jackals - a vast gang of thugs, murderers and thieves - steals the Hero's katana. While running from the Jackals, the Hero rescues his old swordsmaster Jian who was to soon be executed by the Jackals. After the rescue, Jian allows the Hero to borrow his sword until the Hero can recover his own from Payne.