Sengoku Basara 3 Utage is an expansion of the Sengoku Basara series developed by Capcom, released for Nintendo Wii on November 11, 2011. This installment features a more light-hearted tone, reflecting the meaning of its title, which translates to party. Although it shares the historical backdrop of Sengoku Basara 3, it introduces eight new stories with minimal reference to the previous plot. The game allows players to sync save data with Sengoku Basara 3 for bonus content.
Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage is an expansion to the Sengoku BASARA series by Capcom and was released for PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii on November 11, 2011.
Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage was meant to be a more light-hearted and fun game than its predecessor, hence the title `Utage`, which means party. While it keeps the same background and general information about the time period as in Sengoku BASARA 3, some of the eight new stories only marginally reference the plot that was introduced in the previous game.
Sengoku BASARA 3 save data can be synced with Sengoku BASARA 3 Utage. If they are unlocked, alternate costumes and personal items will be brought over. Synching save data with certain achievements will give the player extra gold.