Spider-Man: Edge of Time is an action-adventure video game for the Nintendo Wii that intertwines the narratives of the Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099. Players navigate two distinct timelines to avert the death of Peter Parker, impacting events across both realities. Featuring unique picture-in-picture visuals, the game emphasizes the consequences of choices made in each timeline, shaping the outcome for both heroes.
The fate of one Webslinger hangs on the webs of another in this game where two Spider-Man worlds collide with the death - yes, the death - of Peter Parker. Play as the Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099 in a storyline that weaves together two timelines. The two heroes battle in separate worlds with a shared destiny, working to prevent an event that has dire consequences for Parker and the fate of the worlds he protects. Your actions in one timeline could cause ripple effects in the other. Picture-in-picture visuals let you watch your actions change the future - or rewrite the past - for better or for worse.