Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is an action-adventure video game for the Nintendo Wii, featuring multiple Spider-Men from distinct universes. Players navigate diverse locales and utilize unique abilities to combat iconic villains. The narrative, crafted by Dan Slott, revolves around recovering the fragmented Tablet of Order and Chaos to restore reality across parallel dimensions.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is a thrilling action-packed adventure set in four dramatically different universes from legendary Spider-Man lore, each with a distinct Spider-Man armed with unique skills and strengths, in one original storyline. Players will be transported to new locations never before seen in a Spider-Man game, from lush jungles and dusty deserts to various urban terrains. Acclaimed comic book writer Dan Slott takes players on a mission to contain the magical energy of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, which has been shattered and sent hurtling across parallel universes, and battle fan-favorite villains in a quest to restore the fabric of reality.