The Adventures of Tintin: The Game is a platforming video game for the Nintendo Wii, inspired by the film directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Hergé's comic series. Players control Tintin as they navigate diverse environments, utilizing a range of abilities to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. The game offers a blend of action and exploration, delivering a visually appealing experience that remains engaging throughout.
While the movie taps into the nostalgia vein of Hergé's original comic strip, the game feeds from the memory of traditional platformers.
Platforming is the beating heart of Ubisoft's crisp, charming riff on Spielberg's recent film. The subtlety and nuance of the cast's movements, from daring leaps to nose-smashing right-hooks, is an artistic delight that keeps the sidescrolling action consistently engaging, even if it does turn out to have more ideas than its slender runtime can cope with.