Turbo: Super Stunt Squad is an action-adventure game for the Nintendo Wii based on the animated film Turbo. Players control various characters, each with unique abilities and styles, to perform stunts such as jumps, drifts, and flips. The game emphasizes skillful gameplay to earn upgrades, customize characters, and uncover shortcuts in vibrant, interactive environments.
Turbo: Super Stunt Squad is a high-velocity action game featuring the super-charged crew of characters from the upcoming film. Each playable character has their own signature street style and tricked-out skills which will come in handy when showing-off and earning respect with jumps, drifts, grinds, flips and other super-cool stunt moves. Expert skills will also prove useful to earn power-ups, customize your character, win competitive challenges and discover shortcuts in the dynamic larger-than-life environments of Turbo's world.