X-Men: Destiny is an action role-playing game inspired by the X-Men comic series, developed by Silicon Knights. The game's narrative, penned by Mike Carey of X-Men: Legacy fame, immerses players in a story-driven experience. Released by Activision for platforms including the Nintendo Wii, the game was removed from digital retailers in 2014 due to legal disputes involving its development.
X-Men: Destiny is an action role-playing video game based on the X-Men comic book series. It was developed by Silicon Knights. Written by Mike Carey, the writer of the X-Men: Legacy comic book series, it was first published and released by Activision for the Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii consoles.
Along with many other games published by Activision that had used a Marvel license, X-Men: Destiny was de-listed and subsequently removed from all digital storefronts on January 1, 2014. The game and another game, Too Human, were recalled, and had their unsold copies destroyed due to legal issues between Silicon Knights and Epic Games over the games' use of Unreal Engine 3 code.