Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Carnival is an interactive video game for the Philips CD-i featuring popular characters from the Hanna-Barbera franchise. Players engage in various mini-games such as matching colors with Huckleberry Hound, catching balloons with the Flintstones, navigating a maze with Scooby-Doo, and more. Successful gameplay rewards players with classic cartoon clips in digital video format.
Match colors at Huckleberry Hound's Gift Emporium. Catch balloons at The Flintstone's Balloon Ballyhoo. Rescue Scooby from a haunted maze in Scooby-Doo's Adventure Isle. Snatch silly sounds at Yogi Bear's Pic-a-nic Place. Capture stray satellites in The Jetson's Space Race. Test your knowledge in Top Cat's Top Facts. Win and enjoy a classic cartoon clip in full-motion digital video.