Amagami is a dating simulation game developed for the PlayStation 2, serving as the spiritual successor to KimiKiss. The narrative follows Junichi Tachibana, a high school second-year student struggling with the heartbreak of being stood up on Christmas Eve two years prior. As he navigates new relationships with six potential love interests, Junichi begins to confront his fears of love and rediscover his emotions.
Amagami is a Japanese dating simulation game for the PlayStation 2 and the spiritual successor to KimiKiss.
Two years ago, Junichi Tachibana had his heart broken by a girl who stood him up on a date on Christmas Eve. Now a second-year student in high school, Junichi is wary of love because of his past and dislikes celebrating Christmas. However this Christmas, his encounter with one of six girls from his school: Haruka Morishima, Kaoru Tanamachi, Sae Nakata, Ai Nanasaki, Rihoko Sakurai, or Tsukasa Ayatsuji will finally open his true self and heart.