Boken Jidai Katsugeki Goemon is a platform game developed for the PlayStation 2 and released on December 21, 2000. It is the third installment in the 3D series, succeeding Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Ganbare Goemon: Kuru Nara Koi Ayashige Ikka no Kuroi Kage. This title shifts from the franchise's traditional comedic style to a more serious narrative, making it a notable entry in the series.
Bouken Jidai Katsugeki: Goemon is a Ganbare Goemon game released for the PlayStation 2 on December 21, 2000. This is the third game in the series set in a 3D world, following Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and Ganbare Goemon: Kuru Nara Koi! Ayashige Ikka no Kuroi Kage. Unlike most of the other games, this game departs from the quirky humor that the franchise is known for and replaces it with a more serious tone.