Digimon World 4 is an action role-playing game for PlayStation 2, loosely inspired by the Japanese animated film Digital Monster X-Evolution. Players select from characters including Agumon, Veemon, DORUmon, or Guilmon, each capable of digivolving into a total of 16 playable Digimon. Players complete missions for Digi-Elves, battle enemies, earn bits, and enhance their Digimon for combat.
`It's up to you to save the Digital World!`
Digimon World 4 is an action role-playing game which is loosely based on the movie, `Digital Monster X-Evolution` which only saw a release in Japanese.
You start as either Agumon, Veemon, DORUmon or Guilmon and can digivolve to 12 others by doing missions for the beings called `Digi-Elves` and recieving them as reward for your work for a total of 16 playable Digimon. Defeat enemies, earn bits and equip your Digimon for combat.