Ever17: The Out of Infinity is a visual novel developed by KID for PlayStation 2. Set in the underwater marine theme park LeMU, the story follows seven individuals who become trapped after a catastrophic accident. With communication severed and rising water pressure, they face a countdown of 119 hours to escape while uncovering the true nature of their situation.
Ever 17: The Out of Infinity is a visual novel video game developed by KID. It is the second entry in the Infinity series; it is preceded by Never 7: The End of Infinity, and followed by Remember 11: The Age of Infinity, 12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral, and Code_18.
From VNDB:
"Ever17 is the tale of seven individuals who come to be trapped 153 feet within the underwater marine theme park, LeMU. During an apparently normal day at the park, a massive accident happens, placing almost half of the facility underwater. The path to the surface and the communication lines are cut off. In addition, LeMU is under constant assault by severe water pressure, limiting time to find a means of escape to 119 hours. Escape is not the only concern, however; many questions arise as to the legitimacy of the accident and whether or not those trapped there were brought there for a purpose."