Gundam Musou Special is a video game for the PlayStation 2, originally launched as Dynasty Warriors: Gundam in Japan. Developed by Omega Force and published by Bandai Namco Games, the game combines elements from the Gundam anime series with mechanics from the Dynasty Warriors franchise. Released on February 28, 2008, this enhanced version includes additional scenarios and mobile suits.
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, originally released in Japan as Gundam Musou (ガンダム無双 Gandamu Musō?), is a video game based on the Gundam anime series. It was developed by Omega Force and published by Bandai Namco Games. Its gameplay is derived from Koei’s popular Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series. An expanded port for PlayStation 2 called Gundam Musou Special was released on February 28, 2008 in Japan, featuring new scenarios and mobile suits.