Kidou Senshi Gundam: Ichinen Sensou is a third-person action shooter for PlayStation 2 inspired by the Mobile Suit Gundam series. Set during the One Year War, players assume the role of Amuro Ray, engaging in 28 missions that replicate significant moments from the show. The game features diverse ground and space battles, a range of weapons and mobile suits, and a unique Memorial Actions system that unlocks bonus content through completing specific objectives.
One Year War is a third-person action shooting game based on the original Mobile Suit Gundam television series from 1979. Following the events of the "One Year War", the player takes the role of young pilot Amuro Ray through 28 missions that recreate key events from the original series. The game includes both ground and space battle stages, and there are a wide variety of different weapons and machines to use. One notable feature is the so-called "Memorial Actions" system, where completing special requirements that match events in the series will unlock additional bonus content.