Memories Off: Sorekara Again is a visual novel for PlayStation 2, serving as a direct sequel to Memories Off: Sorekara. It continues the narrative of protagonist Isshuu Sagisawa, exploring his relationships through three distinct storylines focused on Inori Misasagi, Miyabi Fujiwara, and Karin Hanamatsuri. Gameplay involves making choices that influence the unfolding storyline.
Sorekara Again is a direct sequel to Memories Off: Sorekara which takes events during the following days to the original story. Game features three separate stories (so called `after episodes`), each one centering around the time you (Isshuu Sagisawa, the same protagonist from the original story) spent with a different girl, Inori Misasagi, Miyabi Fujiwara and Karin Hanamatsuri. Gameplay itself is pretty much unchanged, the plot changes based on the choices you select during the story.