Phantasy Star Universe is an action role-playing game for PlayStation 2, set in a science fiction universe. Players follow Ethan Waber and his sister Lumia during the 100th anniversary of the Alliance Space Fleet at the GUARDIANS Space Station, where a sudden meteor shower disrupts the celebration. Separated during the chaos, Ethan embarks on a quest to locate Lumia, encountering allies and adversaries along the way.
Ethan Waber, the main character, and his little sister, Lumia Waber, are at the celebration of the 100th year anniversary of the Alliance Space Fleet on the GUARDIANS Space station. The celebration is interrupted when a mysterious meteor shower almost destroys the entire fleet. During evacuation, Ethan and Lumia split off of the main evacuation route and collapsing rubble separates Lumia from Ethan. Ethan then meets up with a GUARDIAN named Leo, but they are attacked by a strange creature. The creature paralyzes Leo and Ethan takes his handgun and kills the creature. Leo then tells Ethan to find his sister and that a rescue team is on the way.