Rim Runners is an anime-inspired sci-fi visual novel for the PlayStation 2. Players assume the role of Rex, a novice cargo pilot aiming to establish his reputation aboard the Jack Pot. The narrative unfolds linearly with dialogue options that influence the story. Players can explore the ship and interact with characters, facing time-sensitive decisions in critical moments that can impact their journey or result in failure.
Rim Runners is a light-hearted, anime-style sci-fi visual novel. The player takes the role of rookie cargo pilot Rex as he tries to make a name for himself with the crew of his ship, the Jack Pot. Like most visual novels, the game progresses linearly, with occasional dialogue choices affecting the flow of the story. At certain points, the player can explore the ship and speak with its crew and passengers freely. There are also so-called `Live Command` sequences when situations get heated or particularly dangerous; during these events, choices have a strict time limit, it is not possible to save or reload the game, and incorrect choices can easily lead to losing a job or even a game over.