Robot Alchemic Drive is a mecha combat game for PlayStation 2 set in a city under alien attack. Players control giant robots from the perspective of human pilots, choosing from three characters. The game features a story mode, training mode, and a two-player versus mode. Players must strategically maneuver their heroes to influence battles while customizing their mechs and causing environmental destruction.
Robot Alchemic Driver is a Big Robot/Monster fight in a modern city with a twist. There is a story and training mode and a 2 player vs. mode. In a nut shell, alien's attack the last city on earth. The big robot comes up, and here is where the twist come in, you have to control the robot from the perspective of the `hero` (three to choose from) and you can switch between the robot/hero mode. This forces you to make sure you have a strategic position to move the hero around in the city to see the battle without getting too close. As the game goes on you have the option to update/customize the mech(s) to improve them. You can end up destroying whole building/terrain as you battle the alien monster.