Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII is a strategy video game developed by KOEI for the PlayStation 2, released in the early 2000s. Set in second-century China during the turbulent end of the Han dynasty, players assume the roles of numerous characters to reunite a fractured empire. Featuring over 700 characters and customizable originals, the game allows for complex relationships and strategic command across 54 scenarios.
KOEI beckons PS2 strategy gamers to return to second-century China with this eighth full release in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series. Following the style of the series, this edition is set amongst the confusion and chaos at the end of the Han dynasty. As in earlier games, the ultimate goal is to reunite the sundered nation, and players can take the roles of diverse characters as they work to do so.
Strategy gamers can take control of up to eight different characters in a single game. Over 700 characters are available, 100 of which are customizable originals. Other new features include the chance for more than four forces to meet on the same battlefield and the ability to set the game's starting point to any time during the 50-year period between the Yellow Turban Rebellion in 184 A.D. and the death of Zhuge Liang in 234 A.D.
Work your way through 54 scenarios and one fictional story featuring every officer in the game
Use commands such as `Marriage` and `Sworn Brother` to alter the relationships of your empire
Create an army by selecting rulers, warlords, viceroys, free officers, and bands