Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure is an action-adventure game for PlayStation 2, set in ancient oceans inhabited by formidable marine reptiles. Players control six distinct prehistoric sea monsters, each with unique abilities. The game features six diverse zones filled with challenges, where players must hunt, evade predators, and unlock secrets to ultimately escape the perilous waters.
In the oceans of earth millions of years ago, danger was never far away and monsters lurked in every shadow. Experience this astounding world by playing as six different prehistoric marine reptiles, each with special skills – from extreme speed to thick armor and powerful crunching jaws.
Start your adventure in an area of inland sea that will only get more dangerous as time passes. Take on foes, hunt for prey and unlock hidden challenges. Your goal is to find a way to truly escape these waters. How to accomplish your escape is something you’ll have to figure out on your journey. Now take control of your first Sea Monster and begin your adventure!
Control 6 different prehistoric sea monsters. Each of the six sea monsters is completely unique. Six unique zones in the underwater environment. Play as both the hunter and hunted.